Thursday, November 18, 2010

Familial Obligation (Part 3 of 3)

[ 84] Llorana: Familial Obligation (3/3)
Wed Nov 3 17:03:27 2010
To: Shalonesti Shalonesti_kingdom Nianica Drondon Jinquil Azaros (storynote chain)
Llorana braced herself for the sting of her mother's slap, nearly
flinching in anticipation, but was taken completely off guard when the
similarly sized elf simply wrapped her arms around her and hugged her hard.

Drondon had stepped off to the side, looking almost as surprised as Llorana
felt, but not quite.

'Mother..?' Llora ventured once the stunned silence had settled. This was
followed promptly by the sharp sound of her mother's hand meeting Llora's

'Don't ever worry me like that again, My'iat Koehith Llorana Tahl'aera

She resisted the urge to touch the stinging spot on her cheek even while she
reeled at the full use of her name (which mother had never used before) and
instead looked to the table, where Nianica was already sitting. She had a
small apologetic smile upon her face and was pointing to her own reddened
cheek. It stung, it was embarrassing, but Llora couldn't help smiling
apologetically at her mother. The hug had softened the blow considerably.

'I'm sorry mother.'

And like that, it was as if a switch had been turned on. Her mother smiled,
her gaze a little moist and turned to Drondon.

'Mother, may I introduce Drondon Statheson-Lethwin'las. Regent of the
Sha'qelas and Songmaster under Speaker Talyariel Shalonost' -hesitation
followed only a beat before she finished- 'My fiance'

She wasn't sure what she expected but all she could do was stand and watch
the odd face-off. Drondon trying to be polite and steady under her mother's
dragon gaze while the stiff countenance of the woman wasn't willing to give
an inch.

Llorana thought the silence would never end, but when it finally did it was
at their mother's behest. She moved forward, kissed Drondon's cheek and
muttered for everyone to hear, 'If you are good enough for my daughter, then
you are welcome amongst this family'

'The Lady knows' -and she turned her gaze on Jinquil and Azaros sitting at
the table- 'they always do as they please.'

It was at least one quip she knew her mother couldn't have lived without that

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