Friday, August 5, 2011

Llorana - Awaiting the Dawn

[120] Llorana: Awaiting the Dawn
Wed Aug  3 03:18:38 2011
To: Shalonesti Shalonesti_kingdom Thaxanos Wargar Kyri - Imm RP Zandreya ALL
The smell of ash was like a fine dust upon a breeze that promised
something so much worse.  And off in the distance, as the threads of night
settled upon the elven kingdom, an ever constant glow - as red as blood -
promising the war that had sat like an itch in the palm of every soldier who
had lifted their blades against the dwarves in the past. 

There was a hush, a baited silence, upon the emerald city.  From the Temple,
the sounds of faint weeping could be heard and a fearful undertone struck
with the first hints of the rightous anger that would hopefully carry the
displaced elves. 

Dusk's pale glimmer would have been beautiful that evening, but for the
taint of ash and flame.  Rows of guards stood before her.  Men and women who had stood before the gates, had patrolled the markets and the streets, keeping the peace.  It had
been years since many of these elves had seen the sort of battle that was
headed their way, but lowering her gaze from the pale sky, she looked upon
them and saw no trace of uncertainty.  They were ready for what was coming.
"I am your liason.  Your orders will come through me when the Senator is
otherwise absorbed by pressing matters."

She could feel the weight of command settling again, as it had before the
fifty that she had lead through the last war.  She found herself missing
those elves as she gazed upon the guards before her.  She wouldn't be
leading these ones into battle but keeping the city protected this time
might turn out to be a very bloody affair.  They had to be prepared. 
Orders were issued, questions were answered. 

The dwarves were cutting a swath through the forest, their intent was
clearly the city.  They would show no mercy, they would destroy and despoil
anything they came across that was elven.  They -could not- get into the
city.  Meanwhile, refugees were trickling in at a steady pace and they would
need places to stay, food, water, blankets and clothing. 

When all was said and done, full dark had descended upon the majestic elven
city and a foreboding had taken root in her. 

Elves bearing the crest of every House in Shalonesti moved with purpose.
Groups of soldiers in Sha'falas livery marched down the main thoroughfare
and lights remained lit.  There was hope in what she saw, but there was also
anger.  A thing that danced in the eyes of everyone she saw, that tightened
their shoulders and stiffened their backs. 

She felt herself drawn into it as she moved silently, the guards dispersed.
She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, not knowing that her parents had not
been counted amongst the influx of refugees, so she went to the stables to
make ready her steed and await the arrival of Jinquil. 

Dawn couldn't come fast enough.

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